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Maximizing the Benefits of Nearshoring to Mexico: Navigating Labor Laws and Regulations for Tech Talent

Mexico is a hotbed for tech talent, and nearshoring to this vibrant and diverse country can be a fantastic opportunity for companies looking to expand their remote work capabilities. However, the legal implications and regulations surrounding hiring foreign employees must be kept in mind. This article will cover companies' most common questions when nearshoring to Mexico and how Framework Science can help mitigate these challenges.

A Brief History of Nearshoring to Mexico

The practice of nearshoring to Mexico has been in place for decades, with American companies outsourcing work to their southern neighbor since the mid-20th century. It started with manufacturing, as companies like General Motors, Honeywell, and IBM set up shop in Mexico's heartland. In the 2000s, tech companies began expanding their operations to cities like Guadalajara, Mexico City, and Monterrey, further fostering the tech ecosystem in the region.

Today, remote work has opened up new opportunities for companies to tap into diverse talent pools and find specialized tech talent. A remote-first approach is becoming increasingly popular in the tech sector, and this trend is here to stay.

Setting Up a Legal Entity in Mexico: What You Need to Know

There are two options for companies looking to hire tech talent in Mexico: setting up a legal entity in the country or working with an Employer of Record (EOR). For companies looking to expand their operations, starting with an EOR and gradually transitioning into setting up a legal entity is recommended.

An EOR is a legal entity that handles the financial and legal responsibilities of hiring employees in a foreign country. Framework Science, for example, acts as an EOR, taking care of administrative tasks like payroll, employee benefits, and tax documentation. It provides a legal way to hire employees in Mexico and acts as a safeguard, mitigating risk and reducing the upfront investment and headache of setting up a legal entity.

Finding an Employer of Record: What's Next?

Once you've found an EOR, the hiring process is simplified, with the EOR taking care of the legal aspects of hiring in the local market. Framework Science handles administrative duties and specializes in finding candidates that fit your company's needs.

Different markets have different hiring processes, and having someone on the ground to advise and guide you through these differences can significantly improve your company's hiring outcomes. Mexico is a unique market with its characteristics, and having an EOR well-versed in the local market can be invaluable.

Navigating Mexico's Tax and Labor Regulations

Mexico has contract requirements, labor regulations, and tax authorities that regulate commerce and the labor market like any country. Mexico has a variety of deductions and taxes that apply to workers, including social security, housing fund (INFONAVIT), Income Tax, and retirement funds. These reductions depend on how the Federal Labor Law of Mexico categorizes the contract, whether an employee is employed indefinitely, for a specified time, for a specific project, or seasonally, among other classifications.

Mexico also has various wage agreements that offer different benefits to workers. An EOR familiar with the local market can advise you on the best options for your company.

Employee Benefits in Mexico: Understanding What's on Offer

Employee benefits in Mexico can vary depending on the company's policies and the market standard. Employers must understand the type of benefits their Employer of Record (EOR) offers and how they compare to the market standard. Some expected employee benefits in Mexico include health insurance, paid time off, pension plans, and social security.

Companies need to familiarize themselves with the benefits legally required in Mexico, such as social security and housing fund deductions and those considered standard in the local market. It will help ensure that they provide competitive benefits to their employees and attract top talent.

An EOR, such as Framework Science, can provide valuable insights into the benefits typically offered in Mexico and assist with implementing and administering employee benefits. This can help companies stay compliant with local laws and regulations and provide attractive benefits to their employees.

In conclusion, employee benefits are crucial in attracting and retaining top talent in Mexico. Companies must understand what is on offer in the local market. An EOR can assist in navigating the benefits landscape and ensuring that companies provide competitive and compliant employee benefits.

Protecting Your Intellectual Property 

One of the biggest concerns for companies when outsourcing to a foreign country is protecting their intellectual property (IP). It can be in software, code, design, or business processes. Companies must ensure that their IP is protected and not shared or used by anyone else.

Mexico has intellectual property laws that protect copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. Understanding IP laws can vary from country to country, and it's necessary to understand the laws in Mexico. An Employer of Record, such as Framework Science, can assist with this process by ensuring all legal agreements are in place to protect your IP. Framework Science can also assist in drafting contracts and negotiating terms that include clauses to save your IP.


When nearshoring to Mexico, companies must consider several key areas. Labor laws, taxes, benefits, and IP protection are some of the most critical issues that companies must be aware of when hiring employees in Mexico. However, with the help of an Employer of Record, such as Framework Science, companies can navigate these challenges and make hiring tech talent in Mexico much more straightforward. Framework Science offers a full suite of services that takes care of the legal, financial, and administrative responsibilities of hiring employees in Mexico, making it easier for companies to tap into Mexico's thriving tech talent pool.